New York Times, New York, New York, Tuesday, September 26, 1961
Tal Takes Lead In Chess At Bled
Draws in 14th Round and Goes Ahead of Fischer
Mikhail Tal of Latvia took the lead with a score of 10—4 in the fourteenth round of the international chess masters tournament at Bled, according to a report from Yugoslavia yesterday.
Tal broke a tie with Bobby Fischer, the United States champion, by drawing in twenty-three moves with Klaus Darga of West Germany while Fischer failed to finish with Mijo Udovic of Yugoslavia.
Fischer had the white pieces in a Piro defense to the Queen's Pawn opening. At the end of the five-hour session, they adjourned a rook-and-pawn ending. Forty moves had been recorded.
Paul Keres of Estonia, tied with Svetozar Gligoric of Yugoslavia for third place with 8½-4½, was content to draw a Petroff defense in twenty-two moves with Dr. Petar Trifunovic, the Yugoslav champion.
Gligoric was the exchange ahead and had a winning position against Alexander Matanovic of Yugoslavia when adjournment was taken after forty-four moves of a Nimzo-Indian defense.
Arthur B. Bisguier of New York beat Boris Ivkov of Yugoslavia, who played the Sicilian defense but overstepped the time limit and resigned after forty moves.