New York Times, New York, New York, Monday, September 25, 1961
Tal, Fischer Tied For Lead In Chess
Mikhail Tal of Latvia yesterday tied Bobby Fischer of the United States at 9½—3½ for the lead after thirteen rounds of the international chess masters tournament at Bled, according to a report from Yugoslavia.
Tal conducted the white pieces in a Sicilian defense set up by Bruno Parma of Yugoslavia. The Latvian won the exchange and Parma resigned in twenty-nine moves.
Fischer, paired with Ludek Pachman of Czechoslovakia, had the black side of a King's Indian defense. Fischer sacrificed a rook, but a counter sacrifice by the Czech resulted in a draw after twenty-seven moves.
In other matches, Boris Ivkov, Yugoslavia, beat Klaus Darga, West Germany, in forty-six moves and Fridrik Olafsson, Iceland, beat J.H. Donner, the Netherlands, in thirty moves. Lajos Portisch, Hungary, and J. Germek, Yugoslavia, tied in thirty-one moves. Dr. Petar Trifunovic, Yugoslavia, adjourned after forty-one moves.