The Boston Globe Boston, Massachusetts Sunday, December 03, 1961
Maurice Kasper, chairman of the United States chess championship committee, has announced the schedule for the next title tourney. Eleven rounds have been slated starting Sunday, Dec. 17 and continuing through Jan. 4. Prince George Hotel, New York, will be the tournament site. Referees Frank Brady (USCF), and Hans Kmoch (ACF). Invitations have been sent to the 12 highest ranked players on USCF's rating list.
Trouble may be brewing because Bobby Fischer current champion, is still miffed about results of the Reshevsky match. And officials continue to pour coals on the fire and otherwise borrow trouble: they have scheduled two rounds for Saturday afternoons. This means Reshevsky will either refuse to compete or will be forced to have the schedule modified for those two games. If he doesn't compete the tournament is poorer, and if he does compete outrage is certain to emanate from some of the contestants because of the “preference” shown Reshevsky. However, its always interesting to watch the changes that can be run from this tired old theme.