New York Times, New York, New York, Tuesday, October 03, 1961
Tal Captures Lead In Masters Chess
Eighteen rounds were completed in the international chess masters tournament at Bled with the playing of ten adjourned games from the sixteenth, seventeenth and eighteenth rounds, according to a report from Yugoslavia yesterday.
The tie for first place between Bobby Fischer, the United States champion, and Mikhail Tal of Latvia was broken when Tal won his unfinished seventeenth-round game with Ludek Pachman of Czechoslovakia.
At the time of adjournment, the Czech was the exchange down and he resigned without further play. Tal thus increased his score to 13½—4½.
Fischer drew with Paul Keres of Estonia after fifty-four moves in their adjourned sixteenth-round match and fell half a point behind the leader at 13—5.
The Soviet champion, Tigran Petrosian, gained an important point at the expense of Mijo Udovic of Yugoslavia.