New York Times, New York, New York, Monday, July 17, 1961
Reshevsky Meets Fischer In Chess
First Game of Match Here Adjourned on 43d Move
Samuel Reshevsky and Bobby Fischer began a sixteen-game chess match for the George P. Edgar Trophy yesterday at the Empire Hotel. Reshevsky is 49 years old, Fischer is 18.
The game was adjourned after forty-three moves. It will be resumed today at 6 P.M. at the Manhattan Chess Club.
At the rate of approximately three games a week, with five hour sessions and a time limit of forty moves in two and a half hours for each player, the match will last until Aug. 22. It is being held under the auspices of the American Chess Foundation.
Reshevsky won the toss and opened with 1 P-Q4. Fischer resorted to the King's Indian defense. Fischer was first to castle, at the fifth turn on the king's side of the board.
Play proceeded with fair speed until the twelfth move, when Reshevsky called a halt. He studied the position for twenty-five minutes and then decided upon the retreat of his king's knight to king square.
After twenty-nine moves, only queens and rooks remained on the board, aside from the pawns. Fischer exchanged queens on the thirtieth move. Although Reshevsky was still a pawn ahead, the pawn was isolated and blocked on the queen knight file. The outlook for a draw was excellent.