Courier-Post Camden, New Jersey Wednesday, October 25, 1961
Mikhail Tal of Latvia, who held the world's championship for one year until Mikhail Botvinnik regained it from him this year, was the winner of the international masters' tournament at Bled, Yugoslavia.
Tal's final score was 14½-4½ as compared with the 13½-5½ racked up by Bobby Fischer, American champion, who finished second a point ahead of Gligoric, Keres and Petrosian. Tal lost only one game, to Fischer in the second round. Bobby lost none at all, but had more draws than Tal.
Going into the 19th and final round, Tal would had had to lose to Najdorf of Argentina while Fischer defeated Ivkov of Yugoslavia, in order for Bobby to tie him in the final standing. But Tal defeated his opponent while Bobby could do no better than halve the point with Ivkov in a game lasting 62 moves.
Following is the score of the Fischer-Ivkov game:
Borislav Ivkov vs Robert James Fischer
Bled (1961), Bled YUG, rd 19, Oct-03
Queen's Gambit Declined: Exchange Variation (D35) 1/2-1/2