The Guardian London, Greater London, England Thursday, January 26, 1961 - Page 5
Fischer Wins Again
Seventeen-year-old Bobby Fischer has won the United States championship for the fourth successive year, and has now played 44 games in this tournament without a single defeat. Bobby, with his single-minded dedication to chess (in Leipzig he'd never heard of Goethe) is the prototype of the fictional chessmaster but a rarity among real life ones. What makes him tick, to judge by the current Network Three broadcasts in which he is playing Clarke and Penrose in consultation, is his quick and detailed sight of the board combined with self-confidence in his own style and a ferocious will to win.
While Bobby has long been established as the top American player, this year's tournament was the first in which the younger generation really broke through. Lombardy, who was second, and Weinstein, third, are both in their early twenties and eclipsed the veteran Reshevsky, who could only finish equal fourth and failed to qualify for the interzonal tournament.