New York Times, New York, New York, Saturday, September 23, 1961
Fischer Sets Back Trifunovic at Bled, Holds Chess Lead
Twelve adjourned games from the seventh, tenth, eleventh and twelfth rounds were played off yesterday in the international chess masters tournament at Bled, according to a report from Yugoslavia.
Bobby Fischer, the United States champion, undefeated after twelve rounds, retained his hold on first place with a score of 9—3. He defeated Dr. Petar Trifunovic, the Yugoslav champion, in their unfinished twelfth-round game.
When play was resumed, Fischer, with the white pieces in a Ruy Lopez, succeeded in out-maneuvering his rival by means of exemplary end-game technique in a rook-and-pawn ending lasting seventy-three moves.
A chief rival, Mikhail Tal of Latvia, improved his score by winning his adjourned match with J.H. Donner of the Netherlands in fifty-seven moves. This was a King's Indian defense. With a score of 8½—3½, the former world champion is half a point behind the leader.
Tied for third place at 8—4 are Svetozar Gligoric of Yugoslavia, Paul Keres of Estonia and Tigran Petrosian, the Soviet champion. Gligoric gained a point at the expense of Ludek Pachman of Czechoslovakia in a game adjourned from the seventh round.