The Los Angeles Times Los Angeles, California Monday, August 14, 1961
Chess Champ Forfeits by Failing to Appear
U.S. chess champion Bobby Fischer forfeited his 12th match game with former champion Samuel Reshevsky when he failed to appear on time Sunday.
The match, set for the Herman Steiner Chess Club, 8801 Cashio St., at 11 a.m. was declared forfeited after the supervising committee waited an hour for Fischer to show up.
A spokesman for the committee said Fischer had protested the starting time was “too early” and that he wanted the match to begin at the time originally scheduled, 1:30 p.m.
The time had been advanced, it was explained, to permit the referee and the committee to be on hand for a championship tournament scheduled to open in San Francisco today.
Fischer and Reshevsky were engaged in a 16-game match and had completed 11 up until Sunday's forfeiture. The final four games were to have been played in New York. The two contestants had been tied in the number of victories.