New York Times, New York, New York, Saturday, August 12, 1961
Chess Adjourned After 40 Moves
Fischer Holds Edge Over Reshevsky in 11th Game
With the score tied at 5—5, Bobby Fischer and Samuel Reshevsky adjourned the eleventh game of their sixteen-game series at the Herman Steiner Chess Club in Los Angeles Thursday night after forty moves.
Fischer appeared to have the better of it and seemed likely to win upon resumption. He had two rooks and three pawns against a rook, bishop and four pawns.
The initiative was taken early by the 18-year-old United States champion, who played black in a King's Indian defense. Fischer won two exchanges ingeniously in a combination involving the sacrifice of a queen, followed by a fork by a knight.
The twelfth game is scheduled for Sunday night in Los Angeles. The last four will be played in New York.
The tenth game, another Sicilian defense, with Fischer conducting the white pieces, was expertly handled by both until a rook-and-pawn ending was reached. Fischer had the advantage of two connected passed pawns on the king's side of the board.
However, Reshevsky had ample defensive means, of which he made the most. On the other hand, the white king was exposed to constant checks by the black rook that prepared the way for the advance of two isolated black pawns.