The Courier-Journal, Louisville, Kentucky, Thursday, January 19, 1961
Old Man's Game?
“Not Chess!—Bobby Fischer, the American chess champion for the fourth straight year, is a shaggy-browed veteran of 18. He has held the title since he was 14…Winner of second place in the national tournament was a 23-year-old named Bill Lombardy…And third was Ray Weinstein, a 19-year-old college junior.
The four-time champion quit high school in his sophomore year when 15…He is now hopes for a college degree but so far has declined to return to high school to obtain the necessary credits.”
CORRECTION: Bobby Fischer did not drop out of school in 1959 during his sophomore year at Erasmus Hall High School.
ERROR: Courier-Journal, 1/19/61 (above)
“…The four-time champion quit high school in his sophomore (10th Grade) year when 15…”
“…preparations for midyear examinations at Erasmus High School… his junior year.” (11th Grade)
The Montreal Star, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, Saturday, April 30, 1960
Let's Play Chess, By William Oaker
Small-fry chess giant Bobby Fischer, the Brooklyn prodigy, is making the news in other ways besides winning chess tournaments. According to the British magazine Chess, Bobby's high school has resolved its worry over the interference of chess with his normal scholastic career by deciding that his achievements in international chess shall qualify him for honorary graduation.